Except where otherwise noted, materials that appear on our website fall under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license, and you are free to copy and redistribute them provided you give attribution to the Freedom Seekers project. Please note that the CC-BY-NC-ND license does not apply to materials for which the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System does not hold copyright.

The license does not apply to the WordPress theme or plugins used by the site, or to the PDFs and other embedded media created by staff from other parts of the University. It applies only to the text of the pages and posts created by our authors for use on this site and rendered in HTML. If portions of HTML text on the site are not covered by the license, or if embedded non-HTML media is covered by the license, that will be indicated on the relevant page or media.

Images that appear on this site are either in the public domain otherwise appropriate sources are credited. The artwork on our homepage is by Anthony King and belongs to Simon Newman and the Freedom Seekers Project.

Take-Down Policy: Addressing Copyright Concerns

The Freedom Seekers project team has made every effort to secure appropriate rights to ingest and provide access to content, including those granted under sections 107 (“Fair Use”) and 108 (preservation) of the U.S. Copyright Law.   Parties who have questions or who wish to contest the use of specific works may contact the project team at: freedom-seekers@history.wisc.edu.

With all such communications, please include:

  • A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner. NOTE: If an agent is providing the notification, also include a statement that the agent is authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
  • Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the Library to locate the material.
  • Contact information for the copyright owner or authorized agent.

Our project team will respond to all correspondence in a timely fashion. If we are unable to determine in a timely fashion whether or not the use in question is in compliance with copyright law, we will cease featuring this content while further deliberations are undertaken.

Freedom Seekers project may work with the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Office of Legal Affairs to make determinations about appropriate use. Parties who wish to contest our uses of specific works may, at their discretion, issue a DMCA take-down notice. For further information on the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s DMCA compliance process, please see:
